

During a project titled "Goldrush," we attended lectures on the impacts of open-pit mining, Bruno Latour’s concept of the "Parliament of Things," and the social and ethical consequences of gold extraction on local communities and the environment. This inspired me to create a silver landscape, where I incorporate cutouts to represent the scars in the terrain. Through this work, I explore how these scars are often aestheticized, with their beauty abstracting the true damage.

As we carve our way down 

In search for 

the sweat of the sun, 

Leaving an intriguing 

tapestry of scars

je kerft me uit

graaft me onder 

en weer op

vermaalt me tot gruis 

ploegt en spit

spuugt me weer uit 

met veel lawaai 

zoek je, niets

kan ik verbergen

ik vloei weg 

langs de geulen 

die jij graaft 

hoor je me dan niet 

als ik zachtjes fluister
